It's official! Me and my friends are in the serious production of a zombie comedy movie! We plan to plan out just a little of a scene then improv the rest of that scene following a guide line. It's called survivor crossing. I have a rough draft of the cover made up. Survivor Crossing Rough draft cover Well anyway while you're there you can check out all my other art. Now just because we are seriously planning this video doesn't mean it's gonna be made. We still need to organize and get everyone ready for a day of shooting. Well anyway we hope to do it during the summer. Also me and one of the crew thought it would be really funny if after we are done the zombie spoof we make a mystery comedy as well. Being director and creative thinker i'll have to get on that. Well anyway I wanted to share this with everyone. And who knows? If paranormal activity could get their home-made movie in theaters how about mine? Well if i can't (which i probably won't) i'll find just some random site and upload it for ALL to see. Well see ya around! PEACE NEWGROUNDS! Also if you are too lazy to go to my photobucket and look at all my art and three crappy animations here is the cover for lazy bastards!!! lol just kidding!...or am i?
why thank you